Here you could put up in-universe factions, parties, and events. Be as creative and realistic as possible. And also, politics being a sensitive thing, apologies are given to those who are offended by some of the materials that will be put here.
Factions and Parties (First War)
The Magistrates
The Thirteen Guilds
Factions and Parties (Second War)
Royal Coalition
Crescent Alliance
Northern Commonwealth
Factions and Parties (Third War)
Blue Block
Red Block
Black Block
Non-Aligned Nations
Factions and parties:
Borzovnik Party
Narodnaya Volya
Eisenpfeilen (Iron Arrow) Party
Jaguar Paramilitaries
Eagle Nationalists
Farmer and Labor Union Party
Criminal Underworld
Exit Mundi Movement
League Against Imperialism
Corporate Janissaries
Political Events
Black Monday Protest
Treaty of Forni
Shunxi Treaty
Bombing of Aero Zarya 53
The Blue Book
Lysistratan General Strike of 1902
Theory of Paradigm Control
1942 Revolt of the Scientists
1929 Borean Stock Crash
The Red Book
Imbohlgrad DMZ
The Black Book
Basi Rebellion of 1729
Pan-Surpican Movement
Treaty of Meaus of 1494