The Paskmak Plant (a.k.a. "Fairy Floss" , "Edible Cotton", "Little Wool"), contrary to popular belief is not related to cotton or wool, but rather is a type of sugar, similar to molds and fungi, which can be found in the many desert and aral plains across the planet. Sticky and sweet, it dissolves quickly in the mouth (due to its amorphous nature) although it feels like wool to the touch. It does not have much of an aroma although the plant itself has a cooked sugar smell when in bloom. It is soft and fluffy when dry. When it comes in contact with moisture, it becomes sticky and damp. Because the sugar is hygroscopic, and has a very large surface area, it will become coarser, harder and generally less "flossy" once exposed to the atmosphere.
Pashmak doesn't contain all that much sugar - merely as much sugar as one would get drinking a can of an average soft drink. In fact, in a normal serving of cotton candy (about a 1 oz. cone) there are only about 100 calories - compared to anywhere from 130-170 calories in a can of non-diet soft drink. Nutritionally speaking, the sugars in cotton candy are simple carbohydrates, so they supply your body nothing but calories — just pure energy. Like all calories, they can contribute to weight gain, but on the other hand, a standard serving of cotton candy contains far less sugar than one can of a regular soft drink: one teaspoon of sugar versus 12.
Pashmak is considered a major delicacy by nomadic tribesmen, and is often served by leaders, along the Orintis region. One major problem caused by Pashmak is its ability to get into machinery. When it gets into machinery it can melt, creating a messy and sticky paste, which can harden, damaging many factories and vehicles. Another problem is that, based on the heat of operational vehicles, pashmak can catch fire, causing even military vehicles to halt in their tracks.