Kawaida is a series of five meetings in 1919, 1921, 1923, 1927, and 1942 that were intended to address the issues facing Surpica due to colonization of much of the continent. Pan-Surpicanism is aimed at the economic, intellectual and political cooperation of the Surpican countries. It demands that the riches of the continent be used for the enlistment of its people. It calls for the financial and economic unification of markets and a new political landscape for the continent. Even though Pan-Surpicanism as a movement began in 1776, it was the fifth Pan- Surpican congress that advanced Pan-Surpicanism and applied it to decolonize the Surpican continent.
In 1919, Racist treatment reinforced a sense of solidarity within the Diaspora. This found expression in a series of Pan-Surpican meetings. In 1909 the first Pan-Surpican Conference was held. In 1919 the first of five Pan-Surpican Congresses was held.
The Congress passed the following resolution:
"We are unwilling to starve any longer while doing the world's drudgery, in order to support, by our poverty and ignorance, a false aristocracy and a discredited imperialism.
We condemn the monopoly of capital and the rule of private wealth and industry for private profit alone…
We shall complain, appeal and arraign. We will make the world listen to the facts of our condition. We will fight in every way we can for freedom, democracy and social betterment."